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Hundreds of cars in mobile

Funny time Carsharing in Phuket

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Why Funny time?

How it works

  • Download free application Funny time carsharing

    The app is available for Android and iOs
  • Sign up for free

    Registration will require an identity card, driver’s license and a bank card.
  • Find the car

    Choose the nearest Funny time car and book it. You will have 20 minutes free of charge to get to the booked car.
  • You can start your trip

    Open the car through the app and you can go!
1 step
Download app
2 step
Sign up
3 step
Choose any car
4 step
Start your trip


Minute tariffs
  • Driving

    8.99 THB/min

  • Parking
    1.99 THB/min

Try it

Included: free reservation 20 minutes, fuel, third party liability vehicle insurance, cleaning and maintenance, assistance 24/7.

Liability in case of a road accident up to 23 000 THB.

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And register for free within minutes online